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петак, 31. децембар 2010.

CES Las Vegas

Las Vegas je jedinstveni grad na svetu, onda je svaka manifestacija koja se u njemu održava takodje jedinstvena.

Tradicija se ne prekida - za 7 dana počinje CES Las Vegas 2011!

Firma Audio Note UK izlaže i na ovom sajmu od 6. do 9.januara, kao i na nizu prethodnih!

Evo nekoliko fotografija sa prethodna dva, 2009. i 2010.

- Prepoznatljiv dizajn, sveden do krajnosti, zahvalan za osnovnu funkcionalnost ... ali iznenadjenje dolazi po uključivanju uredjaja. Zvuk koji izlazi iz uredjaja napravljenih od srebrnih žica u kritičnim segmentima je neverovatno precizan i kontrastan.

Ako vas zanima šta je sve bilo na dosadašnjim CES sajmovima pogledajte veb prezentaciju na adresi.

Audio Note ovaj sajam koristi da predstavi vrhunsku kombinaciju CD transporta i DAC konvertera nivoa Pet - Five. Izgleda da će reprodukcija iz standardnog CD formata (Red Book) biti nanovo napisana nakon ovog sajma.

Po završetku sajma ćemo postaviti informacije i nove slike.

четвртак, 30. децембар 2010.


ReVox uredjaji su ime za sebe. Zaslužuju da se o njima piše i na ovom mestu. Ovog puta pisaćemo o uredjaju koji se nalazi na dnu police - ReVox B750 MkII.

Najveći broj audiofila poznaje firmu ReVox po magnetofonima za kućnu i profesionalnu upotrebu koji su se proizvodili od kraja četrdesetih godina prošlog veka pa sve do vremena kad je digitalno snimanje potpuno potislo do tada dominantne magnetne trake. Magnetofoni za komecijalnu upotrebu su prodavani pod oznakama A i B.

A sad o glavnoj zvezdi - integrisano pojačalo B750!

Nedavno mi je do ruku došao uredjaj proizveden daleke 1978. godine. To je integrisano pojačalo sa oznakom MkII - verzija br. 2 originalnog modela iz 1977. godine. Serijski broj proizvoda je 0178973 - veoma lepo čitljivo na zadnjoj strani pored utičnice za struju.

Dizajn firme ReVox je bio jedinstven i neponovljiv. Čiste linije, kontrole logično rasporedjene, gornja linija sa znakom firme od aluminijuma - preklop na dva federa sa obe strane.

Zadnji deo je klasični primer tehnologije tog vremena - utičnice za ulaze su standardni činč, ali utičnice za povezivanje zvučnika su za ogoljeni kabl sa pritiskačem.

Prednji deo ima jasno podeljen desnu i levu stranu - desno su kontrole jačine, basa, visokih tonova, balansa i izbor zvučnika.

Sa leve strane su selektori ulaza - dva ulaza za magnetofon! Tu je dugme koje je u ta vremena bilo popularno - LOUDNESS za slušanje sa zvučnicima slabe osetljivosti, tu su filteri visokih i niskih frekvencija i preklopnik za uključivanje i isključivanje.

Za kraj još nekoliko fotografija uredjaja izbliza i dva tri linka do mesta na internetu gde se može pronaći mnogo informacija o firmi, vlasniku firme g. Willi Studeru, uredjajima, serijama proizvoda i trenutnom ponudom.

Dakle podaci o firmi na adresi - http://www.studerundrevox.de/ ...

stranica za Facebook profilu - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Das-Studer-und-Revox-Infoportal/152582541435651?v=info#!/pages/Das-Studer-und-Revox-Infoportal/152582541435651?v=wall

i ponuda polovnih i repariranih uredjaja na adresi - http://www.revox-bandmaschine.de/aktuelle_angebote.htm

Zavisno od stanja i tržišta ovi uredjaji se mogu pronaći od nekoliko stotina evra do više od hiljadu američkih dolara!

субота, 18. децембар 2010.

Opera Consonance Droplet

Regardless of the fact that Audio Note sign is marked on the first page, we consider this the right place to present extremely nice product from another company we distribute.

In fact, it is a Chinese company with similar scope of products - tube amplifiers, cd players, turntables. The base of the company is in Beijing, and the name is Opera Consonance.

Therefore here we present - Droplet product line and very nice mode of High End CD player.
The mark of this product is 3.1.

It is absolutely clear that manufacturer paid close attention to the design aspects of the audio product. Cover is made of brushed aluminium, the hole for the cd is opened by hand - no motors to move the tray. You have to get up from the bed and change the cd!

But the designer did not stop with just producing nice and attractive product.

The body of the player is made in sandwich structure - the tray is fixed to the bottom chassis. Complete machine is shock-proof and stable - it will be not easy to move it around.

Technical specifications are also remarkable - it uses reading chip of 24 bits and sampling frequency of 768kHz. Quite remarkable taking into consideration that regular sampling - reading frequency of standard CD is 44,1kHz.

Interior design is clean and simple. Soldering is done with high precision, internal electric parts are of high quality.

With this sophisticated reading capabilities any CD can be "read" easily and precisely! No mistakes!

The back side of the machine is also very simple - digital out and audio connections for amplifier! Enough!

уторак, 29. јун 2010.

Audio Note presentation

VinylCd had a public presentation in Jazz Club "Ptica" on June 26th, 2010. The Club is well known in Belgrade for live jazz music on Saturdays and Sundays.

Therefore it was quite unusual to promote HiFi products in the area of Cafe. Club itself is a converted private villa in the narrow and short Šantićeva street in Belgrade downtown. It actually consist of 4 rooms on the groundfloor and big tucked yard. Club owner put brown bricks on the ground thus enabling to be used throughout the year.

The weather was changable - afternoon was quiet and warm, then suddenly changed to drizzling shower in the evening.

Inside the premises the stand was offered to put the equipment on. For the sake of the first presentation the setup was ready - Audio Note system Zero.

The playback system itself consisted of CD transport CDT Zero, Digital to Analog Converter DAC 0.1x and Integrated Amplifier I Zero.

This is how it looked on the stage ... the lights were put down and the simple blue display on the CD Transport showed track number and the time elapsed. The stand for the products was created from the old hand sewing machine with foot-pedal, and a very interesting wall poster on the back created additional atmosphere

The final product in the audio line was prepaired for Audio Note loudspeaker, model AN-K/Lx. Although created for small rooms and compact space, K proved to be able to demonstrate precise and clear sound at pleasant and low levels. It was evident that the quality of recording and production is a vital part of a good music peace.

And as for the music, selected jazz pieces were put - attention was drawn to Dave Brubeck and his famous Time Out (Columbia Legacy) - Blue Ronto A La Turk, Take Five, Thre To Get Ready ... Too conventional? Could be, but the same pieces played on the live concert (Avis Autovermietung Gift CD) showed real enthusiasm of the author. Compared to the studio recording the live event proved how much Dave liked these pieces.

Guests are like all guests - wishfull! One of the guest was a huge fan of Led Zepellin group, so for him selected pieces from Remastered compilation from 1997. He said he was satisfied ... next time he will bring live LZ concert recording.

уторак, 4. мај 2010.

Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison

Jedna vinil ploča je svojevremeno promenila moj muzički ukus i uvela me u svet drugačije muzike.
Na uglu ulica Kneza Mihaila i Čika Ljubine je sedamdesetih godina radio Američki kulturni centar (danas je u toj zgradi Španski kulturni centar). U Američkom centru je bila velika kolekcija američkih knjiga i ploča. Član biblioteke je mogao da pozajmljuje ploče na 15 dana korišćenja - zamislite takvu ponudu danas! Redom sam uzimao ploče američke kantri (country) i folk muzike, a jednog dana sam pokupio plavu ploču na kojoj je pisalo Johnny Cash in San Quentin.

Moje najveće čudjenje je tada bilo otkud takav pevač u zatvoru? Kako su ga pustili unutra?

Mnogo kasnije sam shvatio kako je bilo moguće zbog mira u kući, tj. zatvoru pozvati takvu klasu od pevača da peva u velikoj sali zatvora San Quentin i kako je moguće da takav snimak postane legendaran.

Mr. Congressmen, you cant understand!

понедељак, 3. мај 2010.

Audio Note Kit

Audio Note KIT

U Beograd je stigao prvi konverter digitalnog signala u rasklopljenom stanju, tzv. KIT. Ceo paket delova je spakovan u Kanadi i tako avionom stigao u Srbiju.

Šta je Kit? Po preciznom upustvu kupac za nekoliko dana sastavi fantstičan uredjaj za daleko manje novca nego da se uredjaj sastavlja u fabrici. I što je još značajnije, ovim je kupac ponosniji jer je uredjaj sastavio sam. Za vreme sastavljanja moguće je tražiti pomoć u vidu konkretnih rešavanja konkretnih problema veza, lemljenja, sklopova, žica itd ...

Poesna osobina ovog konvertera linije Tri je da ne primenjuje tehnologiju digitalne obrade - upsamplinig, već signal nakon izlaska iz transporta ide u pojačalo. Obrada signala je analogna, tj. podleže samo pojačanju do nivoa potrebnog za rad pojačala.

Više o teoriji Čemu služi konverter na http://www.audionotekits.com/DACsExplained1.html

Ovde je slika sa HiFi Sajma u Beogradu u aprilu 2010. godine, a više informacija o ovom uredjaju na www.audionotekits.com/dac3_1.html

Willie Nelson

Willie Nelson

Koliko reči upotrebiti da se napiše nešto o legendi country zvuka - Willie Nelsonu? Čovek koji svira svoju muziku od sredine šezdesetih godina dvadesetog veka, karijera sa bezbroj objavljenih materijala. Pevao je i svirao svoje pesme, radio obrade tudjih pesama i formirao svoj vlastiti i prepoznatljivi sti.

Biografija Willie Nelsona na http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=11:gifrxql5ldde~T1

Nedavno sam nabavio predposlednju LP vinil ploču koju je Nelson snimo sa trubačem Winstonom Marsalisom. Album je snimljen u živo.

Вили Нелсон и Винстон Марсалис

Evo kako www.allmusic.com piše o ovoj ploči:

History has proven that Willie Nelson will duet with pretty much anybody who comes along, and while this open-hearted open mind sometimes backfires, more often than not it results in some of his most sublime recordings. Two Men with the Blues, his album with jazz trumpeter Wynton Marsalis recorded over a two-night stand at Jazz at Lincoln Center on January 12 and 13, 2007, belongs in the latter category, standing as truly one of the most special records in either Nelson’s or Marsalis‘ catalog. If the pair initially seem like an odd match, it’s only because Wynton long carried the reputation of a purist, somebody who was adamant against expanding the definition of jazz, which cast him as the opposite of Willie, who never found a border he couldn’t blur. Marsalis mellowed over the years, but it’s also true that he and Nelson share a common background in jazz and the Great American Songbook, so this pairing plays naturally, providing equal measures of comfort and surprise. The engine for this music is Marsalis‘ band — pianist Dan Nimmer, drummer Ali Jackson, bassist Carlos Henríquez, and saxophonist Walter Blanding — with Nelson bringing his harmonica player Mickey Raphael along, which is enough to give this a flavor that’s quite distinct from a typical Marsalis session without being foreign. Similarly, this isn’t quite alien territory for Nelson either, as the repertoire relies heavily on blues standards, including a pair of tunes he cut on his jazzy breakthrough, Stardust (the title track and „Georgia on My Mind“), plus he’s always veered close to jazz in his vocal and guitar phrasings. All this means that Two Men with the Blues has the warm comfort of a reunion and the freshness of a new collaboration, feelings that are palpable as soon as the album kicks off with a loose yet nimble reading of Jimmy Reed‘s „Bright Lights, Big City.“ It’s a subtle arrangement that doesn’t draw attention to its unique touches, something that’s also true of the flashier take on Hank Williams‘ „My Bucket’s Got a Hole in It,“ which lurches and careens like a New Orleans marching band, coming to a highlight when Marsalis throws in a few lines from „Keep on Knockin’“ for good measure. These sly spins on standards, along with a jump blues reworking of Merle Travis‘ „That’s All“ (first heard on a Willie Nelson record back in 1969), are balanced by numbers that are perhaps a bit more expected but are no less delightful, as „Night Life“ is turned into a showcase for Wynton and the bandmembers sound as good skipping through „Caldonia“ as they do laying back on „Basin Street Blues.“ It’s music that flows so easily it’s perhaps easy to take for granted, but Two Men with the Blues is truly something special, as it captures two masters enjoying their common ground while spurring each other to hear old sounds in new ways. It’s a flat-out joy.

среда, 28. април 2010.

Ismet Alajbegovic - Accordeon

Special place in the Sevdalinka accordeon play should be left for one great player - Ismet Alajbegovic. His nickname was Šerbo.

Here is one piece that in the best manners represents Šerbo style of playing.

If you would like to have few songs in mp3 format, here are two links on Rapidshare taken from the website www.yumidi.com/forum/post92792.html



Посебно место у извођењу севдалинке у Босни и народних песама у Шумадији заузима хармоника. Овде може да се види мајсторско извођење једног од најзначајнијих хармоникаша у Југославији, Исмета Алајбеговића – Шербе. О њему ће још бити више речи, за сада само један изванредан црно-бели снимак негде у Босни.

четвртак, 22. април 2010.

Himzo Polovina

У жељи да представим квалитет уређаја Аудио Ноте започео сам прикупљање песама певача народне музике Химзе Половине.

Одувек сам се дивио гласу и појави тог човека, а сад кад сам пустио стару винилну плочу на 33 обртаја са песмама Пошетала Суљагина Фата вратили су се стари доживљаји слушања из радио апарата Електронска индустрија Ниш.

Из контролисаног певања се наслућује да се ради о скромном човеку, човеку који се не истиче сувише и који пева толико колико је потребно да пренесе свој доживљај на слушаоца. Каква разлика у односу на данашње снимање гласа.

Посебан квалитет овим снимцима даје изванредно издање фирме Југотон.

Више информација o севдалинкама на http://www.sevdalinke.com i http://sevdalinke.blogspot.com

а о певачу Химзи Половини на www.most.ba/02829/079.htm и на http://sh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Himzo_Polovina

уторак, 20. април 2010.

Precious gift

Last autumn Ed Klassen was in Belgrade.
We spent some time together travelling to Novi Sad, going to Chinese restaurant and listening my music choice at the new Audio Note equipment.

CD Transport, DAC and Meishu amplifier presented my music choice - some acoustic vocal jazz, rock and roll, domestic folk and some classic music. Ed was quite surprised to find selected choice of music on the almost fogotten medium - vinyl lp!

Two weeks ago Ed sent a mail advising me he bought two packs of lps down there in New Zealand! He asked me if I would accept the gift and pay the transport? Yes I will, thank you!
Much to my surprise 30 kilos of lps came to my home with paid transport costs from New Zealand to Serbia. DHL was sooo quick - total of four days in transport!

When I opened the box there were more than 160 lp's pressed in New Zealand back in the seventies and very well preserved. Almost 90% were classic music - from Tchaikovsky to Waughn Williams.

Ed thank you for the gift!

недеља, 11. април 2010.

Шта значи Стој! Ко иде?

У интегрално појачало класе Zero су уграђене лампе ЕЦЛ82 фирме Електронска Индустрија из Ниша.

Идејни творац појачала г. Петер Квортруп каже да је некад те лампе видео у радио апаратима и пожелео да њихов квалитет угради у своје производе.

Класа Zero даје пријатни и меки звук који може да се слуша сатима, а да музика не замара.

Стој! Ко иде?

И би сајам у хотелу Холидеј ин у Београду у два термина у марту 2010. Плакат са овим текстом је био у сали Милешева, а опрема изложена за демонстрацију реномираних фирми из Енглеске и Кине.

Посетиоци су могли да чују линију Zero и Three фирме Audio Note UK. Линију Zero чине грамофонско предпојачало, цд транспорт, конвертер дигиталног сигнала и интегрално појачало. Линија Three је била састављена од цд транспорта, конвертера дигиталног сигнала и интегралног појачала. Оба система су своје особине показала на моделу звучника Е.

Комплетно ожичење између самих уређаја и до звучника је обављено сребрним кабловима фирме Audio Note UK.

Оба система су користила грамофон фирме Opera Consonance у потпуности снабдевен сребрним кабловима и звучницом Goldring.